Internet Explorer 5, 5.5, and 6

If you see a message on a web page saying that a page is not displaying as intended and that the browser may have scripting disabled, please check your security settings as follows:

As far as we know it is safe to run with scripting enabled. We are not aware of any virus which can be transmitted because scripting is enabled. (HTML viruses in the past have used loopholes in "ActiveX" to infect computers, not scripting.)

Run Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then click on Internet Options...  Next click on the Security tab in the "Internet Options" window. If it is not already highlighted, click on the Internet icon.

Under "Security level for this zone" you will see the word "Medium" or "Custom":

  • If you see "Medium" then you already have scripting enabled - click Cancel to leave this window.

  • If you see "Custom" then your security settings have been modified from the default settings.
    If you do not know why and would like to restore them to the default settings, click Default Level, and then OK to exit.
    If you wish to keep your custom settings, click Custom Level, then in the "Settings" box, scroll down to the top level entry (one with an icon at the left edge of the box) named Scripting. Immediately under Scripting is an entry for Active Scripting - under this entry (Active Scripting) click on Enable.  Then click Ok, then Yes to confirm, then Ok to exit from the options window.
